Making the Best Choice for ME

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. — Mark Twain 

On average, we make about 35,000 choices every day.  Without realising it, each and every choice creates a new path that we travel along that second, minute, hour, day... you get the picture.  To create the best possible career and future for ourselves, we must first know exactly what we need as individuals to gain a strong sense of satisfaction / fulfilment in our lives. Once we know what we need, we can assess each choice with a much clearer view of knowing if it is going to be the best decision we can make at that point in time, with the information available.  Without first knowing what we need and being confident in ourselves, our choices can be more easily influenced by others who sound more knowledgeable than us, the circumstances we are facing, which can leave us feeling confused, uncertain, and at risk of making decisions that don't reflect what we truly want.  It doesn’t matter if you are student selecting post-school courses, a manager going for promotion, a parent returning to work or a retiree deciding how to spend your ‘golden years’. If you accept the influence of others before knowing what you need for yourself, you run the risk of staying in perpetual discomfort and missing out on finding the work that will bring you the most satisfaction and fulfilment.

The goal of Blue Goat Careers is to work with our clients to learn how to confidently make decisions that are right for them. During a Blue Goat Session, we first get to know you, where you are on your career journey, how this fits within your current circumstances, and what you would like to achieve in the immediate and longer term future.  Depending on how much you have already explored and know about yourself, we will look at a combination of the skills you have, what you like to do, your personal style, how motivated you are, what you are interested in, your goals and aspirations and, above all else, gain a clear understanding of what you need for your life.  Each conversation will be adapted to meet your unique circumstances, and move as slowly or as quickly as you need through each area. 

Check out our Programmes and our Team of experienced Career Coaches. We are waiting to support you to achieve a more deeply rewarding career that will maximise your skills, personal goals and aspirations.