Supporting your School Leaver
/For parents of teenagers, it can be hard to know exactly how to best support your child in the decision-making process around their career choices and ‘what next’ after school. But there are some systematic ways you can test the waters and offer them the necessary support and guidance in a way that helps them become more independent and clear about what to do after school.
Parenting a teenager can be challenging at the best of times. For some of us, we can barely get past toddler tantrums before they have hit their “tweens”, and the roller coaster of teenager hormones and development may not stop until they reach their mid 20s, or whenever it is they feel brave enough to leave home! We all want the best for our children, but it can be difficult to find the best way to support and assist them in the way they need as they transition into being an independent adult.
Based on this unique challenge, Blue Goat has designed a supportive Parents Programme that enables parents to work through a similar career coaching programme to what their child would receive from the Young Adults / School Leaver Programme. As a parent, you will learn the principles of the decision making process, understand the areas where specific steps will increase your child’s chance of choosing an appropriate post-school solution, and the variety of ways you can step in or step back, based on how your child is responding to the variety of guidance around them.
As we explore the best support mechanisms for your child in the Parent Programme, you will also gain the benefit of re-assessing your own career, and be given opportunities to cross check “what else” you can do to master your own situation.
Learn more about our Programmes and the Blue Goat Career Coaches and make the first step towards being more effective in helping your young adult thrive in the vastly changing and highly dynamic future world of work.